For those who follow the recent classes, you’ve heard me struggling and sharing about the closure of Yoga Loft. But for many, the closure of Yoga Loft and transition to the new website were abrupt. The last email on Sunday came with some technical hiccups. Further, I’m on a weeklong meditation retreat in remote Utah with limited internet access, which made “fixing it” nearly impossible. The takeaway? Sometimes the lesson is more important than things working out in form. This process of undoing and forgiving is our yoga, which ultimately moves us closer to our true Self, forever peaceful and happy.
I include a few links here to the final closing classes at Yoga Loft in case you missed them. They were powerful.
Lastly, I hope you’ll join me at the Pure Presence Conference this weekend, where I will share about my letting go of Yoga Loft as part of my undoing and healing. The theme for the conference is Know Thyself. Socrates gave the words notoriety, but the idea is prevailing and is the practice and goal at the root of most spiritual thought systems. It is a free, three-day conference that begins on Friday with experienced speakers from all over the world. I will be sharing Saturday, April 24th, from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Mountain Time. I’ll begin with a short talk, share an Avita class that uses false self to know true Self, and finish with time for questions. I hope you’ll join me.
With love, Jeff

Jeff will be sharing Avita Yoga at the conference for the third time! This is a powerful event that is sure to bring revelatory insights to your life. Be sure to catch Carol Howe, one of two people alive who personally knew the scribes of A Course in Miracles. Socrates said it best, “know thyself” and it brings purpose to all we do. Each presenter has their own angle on the same idea. Find one you resonate with and go deep!