Yoga Loft doors have been closed, and I want to send out a huge thanks and appreciation to you and the universe for the heartfelt sendoff. Spirit flowed through us like water, affirming that we had made the correct decision. The support from the community was enormous—so much love. If you could not attend in person, you might enjoy this replay of The Final Avita Class at Yoga Loft (it’s free and sharable). The night before, we had a closing circle, and even though the audio is a little tainted, you might enjoy the many comments and the class that followed. Check it out here.
The slogan for Yoga Loft has been, “Come grow with us.” As I walked out the doors for the last time with Lori and Debbie, the words came. “We’ve grown, and now it’s time to blossom!” Yoga Loft doors have closed, but Avita Online continues. Lori and I are attending another weeklong meditation retreat, so we have pre-recorded classes for you all week. You can start with today’s class at 10:00 AM if you like, and of course, catch it in the replay library anytime. We’ll be back with you live online on Sunday, April 24th at 10:00 AM from our home.
We’re beginning the next chapter and getting leads on potential Boulder locations where we can practice together in person. Stay tuned and know that you are loved.
With love and light,