I’m asked about clothing for yoga often enough; I decided to write about it. There’s a difference between being truly comfortable and wearing something you are “supposed to.” Some of you, however, are most comfortable wearing what you are “supposed to” and I’m not sure how to address that 🙂Â

Yoga pants? Yoga leggings? Yoga Shorts?
If you forgot your “yoga clothes” and all you have on is your jeans and a button-down shirt, don’t let it deter you! Make them yoga jeans and come to class, especially if it’s Yin or Avita Yoga. At Yoga Loft you will be accepted as you are. Dress how you like and show up as you are. If yoga is about discovering authentic Self, then the care and concern for outer appearances will only delay your real inner progress.Â
We have classes that you can do in the comfort of your own home, whatever pants you wear will be your yoga pants. In Avita Yoga, we emphasize the road less travelled by–the inner one. External requirements, especially those that are self-imposed, will only delay the inner journey.Â
Dress how you please and show up as you are!
Perhaps this has been one of the benefits of Covid isolation. We’ve become comfortable with ourselves. Before Covid, were you aware of how “accountable” the outer world made you? If there is anything we can take away from the isolation, it’s the peace that comes with not having to live up to someone else’s standards. Dress for happiness; for happiness is success!Â