Silver Lining in Midst of Uncertainty

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Dear Yoga Loft Community,

It has been a demanding time—coping with the day to day challenges of staying happy and safe in the midsts of self isolation. But if we’re willing to look for it, there is a silver lining to be found in the midsts of the uncertainty. It comes through as lessons of kindness, gratitude and forgiveness that set us free and shows us another way into our hearts and the love we share.

I’ve received emails from many who have come to appreciate Yoga Loft. I thought it might be helpful to share a few:

It is so good to have developed resources that sustain one through times of trouble. Hah! Like now. It is SO good that we have a nurturing community. ~ Sue A.

What an unexpected opportunity to learn how to manage anxiety! ~ Kate B.

What an opportunity!  Such a collective magnification of our feeling of separation and isolation.  And then through that maybe somehow, en masse, we come to feel and know that we never ever could have been separated, because there’s nothing other than love, and so nothing to be separate from. ~ Sue N.

Wow…thank you all. We certainly do grow together.

I hope you’ll join us for a live-streaming class tomorrow, Easter Sunday. Click through to our schedule and choose from 5 different classes from our compassionate and inspired yoga teachers.

I’ll be teaching a longer, 90 minute Avita Yoga® class at 10:00 MST. Shortly after 11:00 we’ll take a 5 minute break and then resume with a guided meditation. You can of course stop the video and get on with your day anytime you like (one of the benefits of home practice).

As an added benefit, all online classes are recorded so you can replay them later at a more convenient time. Regardless of your religious or non-religious background I aim to make every message helpful and universal. I hope you’ll join us.

Thank you and namaste,

Silver Lining in Midst of Uncertainty, a practice and meditation on Easter Sunday in Boulder CO 2020

Easter Message from Jeff Bailey
It Takes Courage to Move into the Unknown
Category: Avita

Dear Yoga Loft Community,

It has been a demanding time—coping with the day to day challenges of staying happy and safe in the midsts of self isolation. But if we’re willing to look for it, there is a silver lining to be found in the midsts of the uncertainty. It comes through as lessons of kindness, gratitude and forgiveness that set us free and shows us another way into our hearts and the love we share.

I’ve received emails from many who have come to appreciate Yoga Loft. I thought it might be helpful to share a few:

It is so good to have developed resources that sustain one through times of trouble. Hah! Like now. It is SO good that we have a nurturing community. ~ Sue A.

What an unexpected opportunity to learn how to manage anxiety! ~ Kate B.

What an opportunity!  Such a collective magnification of our feeling of separation and isolation.  And then through that maybe somehow, en masse, we come to feel and know that we never ever could have been separated, because there’s nothing other than love, and so nothing to be separate from. ~ Sue N.

Wow…thank you all. We certainly do grow together.

I hope you’ll join us for a live-streaming class tomorrow, Easter Sunday. Click through to our schedule and choose from 5 different classes from our compassionate and inspired yoga teachers.

I’ll be teaching a longer, 90 minute Avita Yoga® class at 10:00 MST. Shortly after 11:00 we’ll take a 5 minute break and then resume with a guided meditation. You can of course stop the video and get on with your day anytime you like (one of the benefits of home practice).

As an added benefit, all online classes are recorded so you can replay them later at a more convenient time. Regardless of your religious or non-religious background I aim to make every message helpful and universal. I hope you’ll join us.

Thank you and namaste,

Silver Lining in Midst of Uncertainty, a practice and meditation on Easter Sunday in Boulder CO 2020

Easter Message from Jeff Bailey
It Takes Courage to Move into the Unknown

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