Unlocking the True Essence of Yoga

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With nearly 38 years of yoga experience, Jeff combines anatomy and spirituality in his unique practice, influenced by A Course in Miracles.

It emphasizes peace and forgiveness for true wellness. Discover how Avita Yoga unlocks healing and unity potential. Tune in for wisdom and insights from Jeff Bailey to guide you to lasting peace and happiness.

TRULY Live S3 Episode 10
Deamer of The Dream Part 2
Category: Podcast

With nearly 38 years of yoga experience, Jeff combines anatomy and spirituality in his unique practice, influenced by A Course in Miracles.

It emphasizes peace and forgiveness for true wellness. Discover how Avita Yoga unlocks healing and unity potential. Tune in for wisdom and insights from Jeff Bailey to guide you to lasting peace and happiness.

TRULY Live S3 Episode 10
Deamer of The Dream Part 2

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