Reflections On Peru

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Maybe you’ve seen some posts about Peru on my personal Facebook page. My wife Lori joined three other dentists and a crew of assistants (my role) to provide dentistry to children in the remote village of Huliloc, which sits high above Ollantaytambo Tambo, the access point to Macho Picchu.

It was an incredible adventure with many miracle moments, and I came home pondering the great mystery of the Incan Civilization.

How did they build elaborate walls and structures with such precision? Unlike the early Romans, they did not have the wheel, iron, or steel.

Incan walls were designed to withstand earthquakes and tremors, which they have had for thousands of years. No mortar, only stones, some weighing 1000’s pounds, were placed almost seamlessly.

How did they do it? With all of our modern technology and techniques, no one has been able to replicate their work.

As I pondered the mystery, I realized there’s no way to solve it from our current paradigm. The way we think and build today inhibits our ability to think from the Incan perspective, which is why it will remain a mystery.

We need a paradigm shift, and paradigm shifts don’t come easy.

How open does the mind need to be to see through the eyes of another?

How open-hearted does one need to be to see the sameness in others?

How open-minded do I need to be to see past the values of those who may not match mine?

Did you feel the shift?

Figuring out how the Incas built elaborate walls will take time, but it only takes an instant to shift our perspective and open our hearts to see through our differences to the love and light in the eyes of others. We are not here to solve mysteries but to experience the sameness behind it all. If we are to love ourselves, then we must see through the barriers to love we share in spirit.

It’s how we heal the world. It’s what quickly brings the peace we desire.

With love and light,
Jeff Bailey

The Underdog Comeback
Roll With The Changes
Category: Avita

Maybe you’ve seen some posts about Peru on my personal Facebook page. My wife Lori joined three other dentists and a crew of assistants (my role) to provide dentistry to children in the remote village of Huliloc, which sits high above Ollantaytambo Tambo, the access point to Macho Picchu.

It was an incredible adventure with many miracle moments, and I came home pondering the great mystery of the Incan Civilization.

How did they build elaborate walls and structures with such precision? Unlike the early Romans, they did not have the wheel, iron, or steel.

Incan walls were designed to withstand earthquakes and tremors, which they have had for thousands of years. No mortar, only stones, some weighing 1000’s pounds, were placed almost seamlessly.

How did they do it? With all of our modern technology and techniques, no one has been able to replicate their work.

As I pondered the mystery, I realized there’s no way to solve it from our current paradigm. The way we think and build today inhibits our ability to think from the Incan perspective, which is why it will remain a mystery.

We need a paradigm shift, and paradigm shifts don’t come easy.

How open does the mind need to be to see through the eyes of another?

How open-hearted does one need to be to see the sameness in others?

How open-minded do I need to be to see past the values of those who may not match mine?

Did you feel the shift?

Figuring out how the Incas built elaborate walls will take time, but it only takes an instant to shift our perspective and open our hearts to see through our differences to the love and light in the eyes of others. We are not here to solve mysteries but to experience the sameness behind it all. If we are to love ourselves, then we must see through the barriers to love we share in spirit.

It’s how we heal the world. It’s what quickly brings the peace we desire.

With love and light,
Jeff Bailey

The Underdog Comeback
Roll With The Changes

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