Focus on Target Areas

Avita Miniseries

Avita Miniseries classes provide a focused and convenient way to address specific body concerns. Some consist of a small collection of classes, while others contain specific instructional components and practices. Whether you want to alleviate a specific problem or deepen your wellness journey, these miniseries are an accessible, impactful resource.

The Healing Power of Breathing, Less

It’s true that most of us over breathe. We are programmed for more, bigger, and deeper when it comes to the breath and it’s upside down. Let this series of classes help you gain health and peace by breathing a little less.

Avita Yoga for Sciatic Pain

This is a series of short classes designed to help resolve sciatic pain and related hip and low back problems, offering gentle, targeted movements to improve flexibility and ease discomfort.

Foot Health

This is a series of three short classes designed to promote toe, foot, and ankle mobility and improve feet’ health.

Shoulder Pain

A series of classes designed to resolve shoulder issues and get you started on a healing path to recovery and a full range of motion.

Teacher Training Sessions

Want to take your practice to the next level? Give Avita teacher training a try. It is for anyone, any age or level of experience with the desire to grow in their practice.

  • 190 hours of video lessons and instruction
  • In-depth Avita Method teacher training manual
  • A certificate of completion
  • Avita Teachers Network & community support
  • A substantial home practice
  • license to be a certified Avita Method Teacher

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Avita Online

Avita takes a multi-level approach that works for people of all ages and abilities, spanning three different degrees of practice.