Avita Courses

3 Levels of Practice

Avita Yoga uses shapes to identify and resolve restrictions that impede the body’s natural movement. We take a consistent multi-level approach that works for people of all ages and abilities, spanning three different levels of practice.

The most resounding benefits occur in the level 1, Green classes. It’s what most people need and it’s where the majority of benefits are realized. The shapes and sequences are attainable and appropriate for all, so neither the body nor the mind is overwhelmed. This is important. We can’t struggle and heal at the same time! The soothing pressure induces healing in the body and mind. Many are drawn to simplicity because it’s where we get results.

A student will be ready to advance to level 2 Orange classes after a basic understanding of Avita Yoga is attained. The time to advance will vary and should not be rushed. It could be days, weeks, or months depending on the body and mind’s ability to adapt to this unique style of yoga. The whole point is to resolve chronic pain issues, improve mobility and attain a state of lasting peace.  It does no good to push the body if there are still unresolved patterns. A student will naturally desire more complex shapes and classes with time and practice, but not before its time.

Level 3, Red classes are for those who have been in Avita Yoga for many months if not years. They are also appropriate for those who are naturally flexible and perhaps injured themselves in contemporary yoga practices. Most enjoy remarkable benefits by practicing three to four times per week. The formula that fits best for many is two to three Green classes for every one Orange class. All practice must be foundational in nature. If you push or try to advance too fast, it will work against you. Let Avita Yoga find its way into your body and life. Welcome this new way, and it will be truly helpful.

Avita Green

Green classes make up the majority of anyone’s Avita Yoga practice. This is where the magic happens. A series of three classes per week is the best starting place for anyone with injuries, chronic pain, stiffness, or general issues that come with the aging process. Sometimes active, sometimes passive, let the shapes do the work for you and watch the results come through!

Avita Orange

Confidence increases as mobility and health improve. Orange classes allow the advancing student to experience additional healing pressure and complexity with predictable results. This level two class is open to all ages and abilities. For best results, practice primarily Avita Green classes two to three times per week with an Orange class once per week.

Avita Red

The demand is high. Red Classes will be experienced as nurturing and sustainable for those who are truly ready. One or two per week is enough! Remember, it is about results, not an accomplishment. They bring the best results when accompanied by Green and Orange classes during the week. Red classes are only available as Replays.

focus on target areas

Avita Miniseries Classes

Miniseries classes are designed to hone in on one target area and are offered on-demand in the Practice and All Access membership plans.

Foot Health

This is a series of three short classes designed to promote toe, foot, and ankle mobility and improve feet’ health.

Shoulder Pain

A series of classes designed to resolve shoulder issues and get you started on a healing path to recovery and a full range of motion.

Sciatic Pain

This is a series of short classes designed to help resolve sciatic pain and related hip and low back problems.


Most of us over breathe. This series is aimed for health and peace by breathing a little less.

Current & Upcoming Events

Teacher Training Sessions

Want to take your practice to the next level? Give Avita teacher training a try. It is for anyone, any age or level of experience with the desire to grow in their practice.

  • 190 hours of video lessons and instruction
  • In-depth Avita Method teacher training manual
  • A certificate of completion
  • Avita Teachers Network & community support
  • A substantial home practice
  • license to be a certified Avita Method Teacher

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Avita Online

Avita takes a multi-level approach that works for people of all ages and abilities, spanning three different degrees of practice.