A Lasting Remedy for Arthritis

Cleanse and Detoxify Your Joints

avita workshopToo often, we treat arthritis as an ailment independent of other causes, like how we use or don’t use our joints. This is why we often end up treating the symptom rather than the root cause. For any lasting solution, we must address the source of the problem where it can be corrected. When we do this, amazing things start to happen.

Heal now with Avita YogaOsteoarthritis occurs when toxins accumulate in the synovial fluid, causing the cartilage that cushions the bones to deteriorate. Cartilage doesn’t necessarily wear away, and it’s not always a matter of overuse or repetitive movements. A buildup of toxins creates a degenerative environment that inhibits the remodeling process, leading to joint pain, stiffness, and swelling.

I’ll show you how to apply kind, consistent pressure to restore healthy mobility and eliminate pain. It’s NOT exercise. These simple, practical shapes and movements generate results–more mobility and less pain. Click here to watch these free introductory videos and learn more.

Alternatively, you may appreciate a workshop that targets your particular issue. Is it your knees, hips, shoulders, or lower back? These  featured workshops are a great way to remedy pain and regain mobility.

Disclaimer: If you have pain or swelling in a joint, it is essential to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. Treatment for synovial fluid conditions may include medication, physical therapy, or surgery. A Rheumatologist can use lab results to help determine the type of arthritis you have.

Avita Can Bring Healing to Arthritis

Avita unwinds compensation patterns, cleanses the synovial fluid, and remodels the articular surfaces of your joints. Avita can be part of any strategy for managing symptoms that affect joints and emotional health. As always, the sooner we catch it, the better. We use the shapes to find imbalances and apply mending pressure, which stimulates the healing characteristics of the underlying physiology.

Every metabolic process in the body uses energy to create new building blocks—each cell contains an energy-creating power plant. And, anytime energy is produced, toxic by-products are made.

Within each synovial joint, cartilage and bone undergo constant metabolic change and thus generate toxic by-products, which are released into the synovial fluid. If not cleansed and renewed, it becomes “dirty bathwater” and, in time, can lead to arthritis, disease, and degeneration. Would you ask for better working conditions if you worked in a dingy, unkempt factory?

How is fluid cleansed and renewed within a synovial joint?

The short answer is pressure. Steady, consistent, welcoming pressure is cleansing, and animals in nature have been doing it for a very long time. When you make a strong fist, the force generated on your knuckles by muscle contraction pushes the fluid through the cell membrane into the intercellular matrix outside the joint. Try it and observe your fingers along with the sensation. Can you hold it for a while? When you release, can you rest and avoid “shaking it out?” That’s Avita Yoga.

I would love to show you how simple and effective Avita is at cleansing your joints and diminishing pain. Please click here to get started today.